A Financial Calendar for 2009
You can probably accomplish financial goals by focusing on one specific priority each month. This calendar of ideas will stimulate your thinking about dollars-and-cents objectives. January Now is a good time to establish a budget for the year. There are many tools on the internet to help. Here is a template. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/TC010233421033.aspx . Just click download and away you go. Use last years expenses and income as a starting point, then make any reasonable adjustments to maintain a standard to can stick to for the year. Also, pay off any holiday season credit card bills as soon as the charges show up on your monthly statement. If spring and summer arrive and you're still paying interest on last year's gifts, then the cost of those items will continue to rise. February Consider getting tax related documents ready ahead of time to avoid a last-minute rush. Make sure that you have receieved all necessary paperwork from your employer and your finan...