Agent of the Year San Diego General Office

What an honor it is to be standing up here in front of so many talented agents. I want to say that it has taken a village to get me from where I was one year ago to where I stand today.

First, I want to thank two key people who, if it weren't for them, I wouldn't be here. Tony Montalvo, my best friend and worst enemy, who I fought with often in the early years, but without whose mentorship, I would not be in the business today. Brent Moore has supported me throughout some incredible ups and as importantly has been a beacon of light during some real challenges. Thank you, Brent. Thank you to Jennifer and her staff, who go above and beyond, and exhibit far more patience than I am sure I deserve. Thanks to Maggie who keeps my office running smoothly, dealing with all the details I abhor, but most importantly, Maggie, our clients love you. I hear it over and over again. With that warmth reaching out from our office, you are letting people know that we DO care- and that makes all of us look good. Finally, I want to thank my wife and partner of over 10 years, Alison, whose uncompromising support gives me the foundation to keep on keeping on. Thank you, honey.

Now let's talk about the elephant in the livingroom. When I first started in the San Diego G.O. of New York Life, it was obvious to all that I was a little different. I know some folks back then called me "the girl with the pants". But it was when I brought my girlfriend to my first Honor Banquent that I saw some eyes pop out. Yes, I am different, and I represent only about 10% of the population out there. But what I have learned from New York Life, from the San Diego G.O., from the people in this room is that who we are, and what we do is not about us as individuals, but rather about our humanity; our desire to help others. The work that we do should not be motivated by our differences but about the things that we have in common: the love we have for our spouses, our children, our families... and our desire to protect them.

I encourage all of you, as you visit your clients, to dig deep. Yes, discover what it is that makes them different with compassion and respect. Then make sure they understand our common goal of protecting their family, no matter HOW they define that family. Get educated, know the law, and know how your products can be used to reach a common goal for all of your clients. Not only will you make more money but you will be providing a better service to all those you work with.

It is such an honor to receive this award. There has been many times in my career where this goal has been hard from me to visualize. But now I'm here and I am looking forward to reaching my next goal. However, there is a wealth of talented agents in this room. I know you all provide exceptional service to your clients every day. Now I want to see a healthy competition as you all work towards becoming Agent of the Year 2010.

Thank you!!


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