Smart-Money Use of Non-Business Time
Success often depends on the ability to manage our time well. Whether scheduling meetings, doing the books, training new people or introducing a new product or service, successful business owners know that every day is a calculated race against the clock. But what about non-business time? That has a dollar value, too. How you use—or misuse—your free time is a determining factor in the quality of life you and your family enjoy. That’s why some people can work 70 or 80 hours a week, yet still manage to participate in a highly rewarding home life. Meanwhile, others see leisure time as an opportunity to channel surf the television and then fall asleep on the couch. Or they devote their down time to household chores and yard maintenance, even though they’d rather be out playing golf. We Spend Time…Just Like We Spend Money We can waste time…just like we can waste money. You may want to ask yourself, “how can you get the best value from your non-working time?” Evaluate how to best use time in...